Next step, photos!

I’m so honored to be working with you! Please get started on taking your photos as soon as possible, you can submit your photos directly to me via email at

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me via email or through Telegram.

    1. Please only send 2 photos of each iris at maximum.

    2. You will need a friend to help you. Have your friend hold a smartphone camera in one hand and a flashlight in the other hand.

    3. They will hold the phone camera close to and directly in front of your eye. The flashlight will need to illuminate the eye from the side at a 45 degree angle.

    4. Place a scarf or blanket over both of your heads to cancel out any lighting or reflections, creating a mini dark room.

    5. Stare straight into the camera. Take one photo of each eye. Please do not zoom as this lessens the clarity and creates pixelation. The goal is to have the iris clear, so that I can see the fibers. Do not worry about the skin of the face being clear or visible. Only the eye is of importance.

    6. Use your own hands to open your eyes so the whole iris is visible, if needed.

    Through the iris, we can see the health status of all systems of the body: the brain and nervous system, the blood, the lymphatic system, the digestive system, the endocrine system, the reproductive system, body structure, and the respiratory system. Iridology reveals where inflammation is located, which tissues are more vulnerable and in what stage disease is manifesting. The goal is to provide insight and bring awareness to where the body has inherited or developed certain vulnerabilities in order to address the root cause and achieve self-healing.

  • Please take 3 photos of your tongue, 1 photo of each.

    1. Morning before brushing your teeth

    2. Mid day (before lunch)

    3. Evening before brushing your teeth

  • Please take 1 photo of each.

    1. Front of Face

    2. Entire Body (as clothed as you want)

    3. Top of Hands (including fingernails)

    4. Top of Feet (including toenails)