Detox Tori, Tori Vargas, Holistic Brand Development, Natural Health Practitioner

Heal yourself naturally.

Help others heal naturally too.

I’ve spent the last 8 years studying the human body ​and the root cause of disease. It started in college when I was preparing to go to medical school, but after ignoring the signs my body was showing me I ​found myself in a hospital bed with an autoimmune ​condition that ​led to 10+ rounds of chemotherapy, blood transfusions, ​steroids, a full face of acne, cysts, and excessive hair ​loss.

I graduated college with a pre-medical degree, but quickly realized the medical system could offer me nothing to heal the root cause of my symptoms. I have since healed myself from all symptoms 100% ​naturally, created an online community for natural health education, and worked with clients worldwide to ​address a wide scope of conditions including diabetes, ​high blood pressure, weight, acne, adrenal fatigue, ​PCOS, hormone imbalance, mineral depletion, ​constipation, tumors and much more.

Helping others heal naturally is why I’m here.

About Me

Detox Tori, Tori Vargas, Holistic Brand Development, Natural Health Practitioner

Natural Health

Restore your health naturally and live symptom-free with programs designed for your needs

  • Have me as your 1:1 guide and communicate directly with me at any time through the healing process.

    We work together to support all systems of the body— through periods of cleansing and building, using whole natural foods and herbs. We will customize your program length and protocol according to your specific needs.

  • During this 2-hour consultation, we will conduct a full body health assessment and create a plan for healing using your previous history, current symptoms and the wisdom of iridology, tongue mapping, and face/body diagnostics.

  • Through the complex nervous system and reflex systems of the body, life is revealed. This analysis explores your constitution, unique markings, and colors found in your iris.

    With these findings, we determine inherent strengths and vulnerabilities of the physical body and mental/emotional body.

Detox Tori Holistic Brand Development Strategy and Web Design

Holistic Brand Development

For coaches and practitioners to enhance their online services and build their platforms

  • Build a cohesive brand identity across all platforms and establish authority within your niche through thoughtfully curated long-form and short-form content.

  • Custom website design, optimized landing pages, email capture, and funnel building with tailored upsells and downsells to maximize conversions.

  • Refine your 1:1 or group program offerings, develop evergreen courses, and build a thriving community platform with Skool.

    Setup essential technology for online coaching including calendar scheduling, client intake forms, and automations.